Saxophone Forum

(3 posts)
14 years ago


FOLLOWING PROTOCALL LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF TO THE FORUM. I am Dave Moquin, 65 played sax in dance and polka bands from 1964-1983 then played keyboard and sang till this year, part time I have no formal musical education. Last year I began adding the tenor and clarinet to my gigs then I purchased a kielsworth soprano from a professional musician in FLA terrific horn love it. I also recently purchased an E M Winston model #375sp I have heard good and bad about the company. Am interested in knowing more about this model #. I particularly enjoy the soprano because it is light and easy . On my keyboard I have the board transpose to b flat for all my work as my voice does not have the range it used to. I also use ventriloquist dummies to sing for me. so I can remove my hand from a figure and grab the sop for a lick then drop it back on its stand and continue with the figure. I play in the lower register mostly as the high register is a little shrill .

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