Saxophone Forum

by ashkansax
(5 posts)
14 years ago

Mouthpiece Reed Combination

Currently, I am playing on a Meyer 5m with a Vandoren Traditional Size 3 on a Reference 54 alto. I'm looking to have a much darker sound, so I'm trying out the Vandoren A28 from In addition, I ordered Vandoren V12 size 3 1/2s, because I feel like the Vandoren Traditional size 3s are too soft now. Would a Vadoren A28 with a Vandoren V12 reed be appropriate, in other words would I be able to play this combination with the same ease I was able to play with my Meyer?

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  1. by SuperSax875
    (55 posts)

    14 years ago

    Re: Mouthpiece Reed Combination

    What style of playing are you trying to fit your sound into?

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    1. by ashkansax
      (5 posts)

      14 years ago

      Re: Mouthpiece Reed Combination

      Legit playing. My question is will the transition from Meyer 5/Traditional 3s to Vandoren A28/V12s 3.5s be difficult?

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      1. by SuperSax875
        (55 posts)

        14 years ago

        Re: Mouthpiece Reed Combination

        Yes and no. No because they are not drastically different mouthpieces. Yes because they are still pretty different. The Meyer is a jazz piece and the Vandoren a more all around piece, so the response will feel immediately different. The Vandoren will most likely not respond as quickly as the Meyer. But thats just the way it goes for classical pieces, sacrifice a little response for a potentially drastically different tone. The tip opening on the Vandoren, I believe, is a little bigger than your Meyer. This will make controlling your sound a little more difficult too, particularly with a classical tone. Just keep in mind not to bunch your chin muscles, bring the corners of your lips pushed in, and use a slower air stream than your would on the Meyer. Always have a good sound concept in your mind of what a great classical saxophone should sound like. Also, have you tryed the V12s before? I've heard mixed reviews, so you might like them, but I thought they were garbage.

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        1. by SuperSax875
          (55 posts)

          14 years ago

          Re: Mouthpiece Reed Combination

          Bottom line is don't get frustrated with not getting immediate results. It may take a while before you are comfortable with your sound on this new piece, but in the end, you will defiantly have a more characteristically classical sound.

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        2. by ashkansax
          (5 posts)

          14 years ago

          Re: Mouthpiece Reed Combination

          Thank you very much! the only thing I have to add is that the tip of the vandoren is about .064 while my meyer is around .07 or something. would that make playing a 3.5 any easier?

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        3. by SuperSax875
          (55 posts)

          14 years ago

          Re: Mouthpiece Reed Combination

          My mistake, I couldn't find that exact model on a tip opening chart. Play what is most comfortable. It will make it a little easier, but might not be enough. Maybe try a few 3.5s but in the end play whatever you sound best on.

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        4. by ashkansax
          (5 posts)

          14 years ago

          Re: Mouthpiece Reed Combination

          I agree with that completely it really all comes down to preference. Nonetheless I'm hoping the v12s will provide that darker sound i'm looking for with a not too uncomfortable response/transition. I have never tried the v12s before but I became interested from the reviews I read so perhaps they'll be a prospective playing choice perhaps not. Thank you very much for ur responses!

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        5. by SuperSax875
          (55 posts)

          14 years ago

          Re: Mouthpiece Reed Combination

          You're very welcome! Best of luck.

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