Saxophone Forum

by jushden
(17 posts)
19 years ago

frozen valve on trumpet.

hey i know this is a sax repair discussion but i came across an ok trumpet which is fine except that the first valve is frozen into place. its really not moving. i dont see any dents or anything like that. anyone have any ideas on how to get this thing unstuck.

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: frozen valve on trumpet.

    take the bottom end of the valve cap off, stick something soft to protect it in there, then hammer and a screwdriver. Rather barbaric sounding I know, but it will get it done. after its out, you may be able to see what the problem was. You can also try a slower method(much slower) and let it soak in valve oil

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    1. by karebear1012
      (395 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: frozen valve on trumpet.

      Are you storing it in like a really cold place? During a football game once, my trumpet valves literally froze (within like 30 seconds), and there was just a light snow out. Also, sometimes the third valve slide (the others somewaht less) get tiny tiny dents in them that effect the valves - even if you can't see them... maybe take it to a repair shop to just make sure. Another thiing...have you "given your trumpet a bath" lately? You're supposed to take out all the slides and valves and soak just the trumpet's "body" in a snake cleaner through it to get out any buildup. There could be some in the valve slot, or in the valve. And remember --- valve oil! Good luck!

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    2. by chiamac
      (586 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: frozen valve on trumpet.

      I'm going off of what definition said... replace screwdriver with wood dowl and you're all good. NEVER use a harder metal punch on softer metal. Alwase try to use something softer. ;-)

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