Saxophone Forum

by karebear1012
(395 posts)
19 years ago

Director frustrations

Lately my band director has been...well, i see it as picking on me. Whenever I make the slightest mistake (such as breathing in the wrong place), he'll stop the entire band of 90 people and point it out. He only does this to me! And when he was correcting pitches in the trombone section, he asked me what intervals they were playing and stuff. Then after he asked me to tune the band, he got really made because "my sound wasn't clear enough". The whole band was like looking at me like I totally suck.. Why do you think he does this? Does this happen to you? Is he encouraging me or trying to tell me to quit? I'm not sure if I should do anything or not.. I don't feel very encouraged...

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  1. by Tully
    (49 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Director frustrations

    I suppose he could be trying in some peculiar way to push you, i.e. he has very high expectations of you because he believes you're capable, but he's sure coming off as a jerk. I don't really know what I would do in your position; I guess just ask him why he's always singling you out, but definitely ask it in a very non-confrontial way, such as, "Mr. _____, I've noticed that you've been asking me to _____a lot lately, and I was wondering why. If it's because there's some stuff you'd like me to work on, I would love to know what, so that I can improve." Unless he's just plain stupid, he should get the message that you wish he wouldn't single you out, and you want to know why he does.

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    1. by saxgrobie
      (86 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Director frustrations

      Well, it's just a thought, but, like Tully said, he has high expectations of you. Maybe he sees you as having leadership potential and this is just his little way of seeing what kind of skills you have. It may turn out that he really likes you and actually IS encouraging you to push and to become a leader to others. Either that, or he's just a jerk who doesn't like you. But it seems to me that he would do this more out of respect than hatred, LOL. My advice is to just keep pushing and just keep going. Show him what you're made of. All the best, Kelsey

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      1. by west
        (242 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Director frustrations

        Just get through it one day at a time and he'll hopefully start to notice that you're not going to quit. If this continues, you can go to the coucilors at your school. although it seems weak, there are somethings you can't control, and you'll find that they have more authority than you thought at first

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