Saxophone Forum

by Jellybean666
(31 posts)
19 years ago

Jazzman Sheet Music

I really need the music for Carole king's Jazzman, i've tried to work it out by listening to it, but i really cant, im no good at that sort of thing, i can get simple tunes, but this is too complicated! I cant afford the music because it all costs about $20 because its in a book with loads of others! So i was wondering if anyone knows where i can download the sheet music, or a midi file for free?? I know a lot of people on here are against that and think its lazy, but i really have tried!I can get the first few notes, but then it just goes too fast and it doesnt help that theres 2 sax's playing at the same time! So if anyone can help i'd be really greatful, thanx!

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