Saxophone Forum

by BariMom04
(2 posts)
8 years ago


Hello, my son learned to play the sax last year and this year in school he wants to learn to play the Bari. The school requires that I buy him a mouthpiece and reeds though. Is there somewhere I can buy a decent cost mouth piece or used mouth piece? I don't want him to not take the opportunity of learnign a new instrument but I don't know that I can do it financially. The store the school uses quoted me about $50 for the mouth piece and reed. 

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  1. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    8 years ago

    Re: Mouthpiece

    I think the school may be doing you a favor by only charging you $50.00 for a Bari mouthpiece. That's a very low price. Buying reeds can be expensiven too, especially for a bari sax. Surely they'r not furnishing all the reeds? My advice to you is let your son gets a little more experienced before going to the Bari Sax.

    Barry Kelsey

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    1. by BariMom04
      (2 posts)

      8 years ago

      Re: Mouthpiece

      Thank you, it is actually a local music store that has a mouthpiece for $35 and reeds for about $15, I know nothing about instruments so it is all new to me as well so I don't mean to down play the cost and quality of things at all. I just like to do my research as a budget mindful single parent is all! haha 

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