Saxophone Forum

(255 posts)
19 years ago

Reasons to hate Conn Saxophones. The knights Templar

The knights Templar state. None (Bird lives)

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  1. by Spike
    (248 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Reasons to hate Conn Saxophones.

    that works (trane lives)

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    1. by eman19
      (131 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Reasons to hate Conn Saxophones.

      The only one I can think of is switching manufacturing to Mexico and making shoddy instruments, capitalizing off of their former name. But if your talking Vintage Conns, then none

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      1. by definition
        (963 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Reasons to hate Conn Saxophones.

        Only thing to hate is the buyout by macmillian and others, otherwise they rock

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        1. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Reasons to hate Conn Saxophones.

          WHOA!!! I saw this post and I thought....Tango??? wait a minute!!! But I got a chuckle when I read it! You know, when Conn sold to MacMillan, they were not in very good shape financially at all. The company had realized a decline in sales, and tried to produce other musical instruments, such as pianos and organs, and even a few guitars. A lot of money was spent on research with little proceeds coming in from the other instrument sales. Leland Greenleaf, then president of Conn feared a hostile takeover by Selmer, and rather than let that happen, he sold the company to MacMillan. MacMillan, a publishing company knew very little about Saxophones. They published many school text books, and thought they would try marketing saxophones to schools also. They didn't realise the manufacturing costs involved in building a saxophone, and Selmer-Bundy remained a step or two ahead of the game in the marketing department. To try to be competitive, MacMillan moved production to the former Best manufacturing facility in Nogales, and later a few more miles south of the border. I don't totally blame MacMillan for this. It just another unfortunate series of events! If Conn hadn't sold to MacMillan, 1 of 2 things would have likely happened. Selmer would have taken over CG Conn and bastardized them like they did Buescher. Perhaps that would have been the Selmer American standard series or something, or CBS Musical instruments would have bought them, in which case the same senario as with MacMillan would have likely happened. Those were the options on the table at the time! Jim

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        2. by TANGO SIX ONE
          (255 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Reasons to hate Conn Saxophones.

          Response to connsaxman jim.The knights templar Good post thought youd like this jim. (Bird lives)

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