Saxophone Forum

by mega band geek
(60 posts)
19 years ago

Marching Bari Neck Strap

Looks like I'll be marching Bari next year. Not sure what strap I'll use though. The harnesses keep the horn closer to my body that I like, making it un-comfortable to marck with. The Neo-tec straps have too much elastisity too them (IMO) and the horn bounces around quite a bit with them, making it more difficult. The type of stap I'm looking for is one that solid (no elastisity), comfortable, allows me tp march/play without any issues, and has a metal hook to I don't drop the horn in the middle of the field. Any strap bit this bill? or am I SOL?

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  1. by mega band geek
    (60 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Marching Bari Neck Strap

    Oh crap, so many type-O's. You get the idea though...

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