Saxophone Forum

by vipegrad
(47 posts)
18 years ago

Solo Showcase

In May my school district will be have a district wide jazz concert featuring the two middle school jazz bands and the high school jazz I and II. I would like to have the directors of each band as well as some students showcased for solos on one number, but I cannot think of a simple number which is made for solos, other than the Duke's C blues. Does anyone know of anything else that requires basically only a rythm section? Thank you very much.

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  1. by moose123
    (4 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Solo Showcase

    Play a damn blues and write some parts for the different sections

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  2. by barisax999
    (400 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Solo Showcase

    how about i let a song go out of my heart or anything else from an abersold or real book

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