Saxophone Forum

High School Saxophone

For students and band directors alike....topics such as jazz band, solo and ensemble contests, college prep, and everything else high school related

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rent or buy?

My son is 12 and playing alto

17 years ago
by cuber (653 posts)

Section Leader -_-

I just wanted to know if I sho

17 years ago
by cuber (653 posts)

Good Intermediate - Pro Alto S

Hey guys, just lookin' for a g

17 years ago
by cuber (653 posts)

Best Marching Horn

What's the best marching horn

17 years ago
by cuber (653 posts)


Can someone tell me about the

17 years ago
by 2saxy (25 posts)

Morgan instruments

My husband won an auction on E

17 years ago
by 2saxy (25 posts)

Squeaky notes

I have a Buescher alto sax, ma

17 years ago
by 2saxy (25 posts)

Cranes Saxes?

I have been playing sax for qu

17 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Creston Sonata-High G

Anybody have any advice for hi

17 years ago
by spudman238 (1 post)

Got Talent?

Are you in any kind of band (a

17 years ago
by jazzfool132 (144 posts)

Two Hues of Blues - Lennie Nie

Does anyone know of a recordin

18 years ago
by bsmith45 (1 post)

Jupiter 767GL Deluxe Alto Sax

I'm looking for a new sax. Thi

18 years ago
by trahansax (16 posts)

Keilweth Alto ST90 from the la

I'm looking for an alto comple

18 years ago
by Joeswede (1 post)

College Audition Music For Ten

I really need help in finding

18 years ago
by Dark Eyes (138 posts)

i just want to know if it is p

Is it possible to play jazz wi

18 years ago
by saxjunkie89 (393 posts)

Concert Band and Jazz Band?

What are you playing in Concer

18 years ago
by mels (13 posts)

Jean Baptiste JB900AS Alto Sax

Help! I'm shopping for an alto

18 years ago
by Stevie D. (2 posts)

The Chicken or The Funky Chick

im in a dessperate need of a c

18 years ago
by The Insomniac Saxman (141 posts)

King 613 alto

Hello all. I am looking to sel

18 years ago
by PAW (7 posts)

How many School bands are you in?

I'm currently in 4. I'm in the Marching band, the band attending the Midwest Conference in December, Jazz Band and Classic Ro…

18 years ago
by lva (4 posts)

Anybody use Smartmusic?

At my school we use this compu

18 years ago
by amazingmanderrr (25 posts)

Alto to tenor?

My son has played alto for a y

18 years ago
by newreedsyndrome (343 posts)

2006 Marching Shows

Hey guys. What are all of your marching bands doing for your shows this coming season? We just got our music. Our show is "Th…

18 years ago
by rachel92491 (28 posts)


Anyone willing to email me Div

18 years ago
by jinhyung.ahn (6 posts)


Should a student who played flute for 2 1/2 years start on an intermediate soprano sax?

18 years ago
by Sax Mom (964 posts)
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