Saxophone Forum

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Questions & thoughts about playing, buying, and loving saxophones...

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What Happened to Borgani in the US?


Went to buy a Borgani and was talked out of it.

Word is they tried to sneak in some Taiwan…

8 years ago
by GFC (842 posts)

Piano or flute before Saxophone

HI, I am in my late 30s and inclined to learn Saxophone. Somewhere I read that for a person who knows nothing about music,…

8 years ago
by CarrieWilliamson (2 posts)

Any Professional Classical Non-Jazz Bari Sax Players???

Hi! I'm currently playing Bari Sax in one of the concert bands in my highschool. I've been looking all school year online…

8 years ago
by historicsaxwhisperer (644 posts)

Searching for value and history of sax

Bought at an estate sale.  Family said it was given to the deceased from a music teacher that was a close friend befo…

8 years ago
by historicsaxwhisperer (644 posts)

Music Major

Hi I have been playing tenor sax for about 2 years now and I know that I definitely want to major in music I am currently…

8 years ago
by CarrieWilliamson (2 posts)

Help!!! Playing for my church

Wassup yall my name is Jeremy and I'm 16 years old and i have been playin' the alto sax since 6th grade....and I know I have…

8 years ago
by historicsaxwhisperer (644 posts)

What saxophone

I'm a going to be a senior in high school and I've been playing the same Yamaha YAS-23 for 7 years. There is nothing wrong…

8 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

Need to know who made my Saxophone

I have a saxophone that has Lyric engraved on the bell. I need to know who manufactured it. It has matching numbers on the…

8 years ago
by Saxquest (420 posts)

Need sax player :)


I'm house producer from Croatia.

Right now I'm working on a track and saxophone instrument would be r…

8 years ago
by Mario D

does anyone know anything about the composer Hugo Reinhart?

I've just heard Hugo Reinhart's quartet in F minor but can't find anything whatsoever about him on the internet or in any…

8 years ago
by iepearson (2 posts)

Switching from Alto to Tenor

I recently switched from playing an Alto YAS-475 to a Tenor YTS-23. Does anyone have any suggestions on how i ca…

8 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)

yamaha or selmer?

my dad is looking into buying me a Selmer SAS280 La Voix II Alto Saxophone or a Yamaha YAS-62II Series Professional Alto Saxo…

8 years ago
by EpicSaxMan (3 posts)

Ralph Vaughan Williams score

Hi,I’m in my final year and I’m doing a final thesis about the saxophone in Vaughan Williams’ symphonies…

8 years ago
by sopranosax70

Newbie (sorta)

Hi gang.  I played back in my teens and early 20's broke my front teeth and couldn't play anymore. Switched to drums…

8 years ago
by mijderf (282 posts)

Learn Jazz Theory

Hi All,

Just launched a new website that teaches everything you need to know about how to play Jazz Theory. It cov…

8 years ago
by BB666

bari sax recommendations for my mouthpieces?

I have a Meyer 5M & a Brilhart level air 8*. 

I played Bari through college and then had to choose betwee…

8 years ago
by Taranis

Free Bari Sax

I have been searching for years to find a good used playable free bari sax.

I have played bari in my past and h…

8 years ago
by prime63

i am 46 and just now trying to learn the sax. i need help.

so i decided to learn the sax after loving the sound of it my whole life.  i read the forums all over on older people…

8 years ago
by SelmerReference54 (5 posts)

Identify Selmer Saxophone

I'm hoping someone can identify this Selmer saxophone. It has the Selmer engravings, and the only other identifier is the…

8 years ago
by RickeyD (2 posts)

Jazz saxophone recordings in difficult keys



This is my first post on this forum. I'm from Europe and English is not my first language, so p…

8 years ago
by watur (2 posts)

Whats Your local "Saxual" release. Here is mine, share yours!

My circle of friends, clients, aquaitences, and mentors.

Share with us yours!

no replies by historicsaxwhisperer (644 posts) 8 years ago

8 years ago
by historicsaxwhisperer

Selling Buffet and Yamaha Saxes please help!!!

hey there! I just want To know opinions On how much I should sell my Alto saxes for. I have a Yamaha alto saxophone that I…

8 years ago
by viareyna15 (2 posts)

I Can't Tongue Correctly! Help!!!

I'm a high school jazz saxophonist and I've recently realized that I tounge my saxophone the way I used to tongue flute. B…

8 years ago
by GFC (842 posts)

Selmer Super Action 80 Tenor

I have a 1985 Selmer super action 80 tenor that I would like to sell but am having trouble finding information to determin…

8 years ago
by Paul Howley (2 posts)

Legere reed lifespan

Question for you guys. I purchased a legere reed about a month ago right here on Saxquest. I love the reed. As a beginner it…

8 years ago
by kelsey (930 posts)
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