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Vintage SaxophonesDiscussions about those great or sometimes not so great saxes of the past |
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I have a Selmer Alto Sax, Serial number 57218, my research tells me that the first one made was SN57000. I would like to rest |
Baking an old finish on raw brass I read a discussion thread from several of the members who were discussing the idea of adding an aged patina to older saxes b |
Can you tell me anything about a Conn 6m nickle plated in very good condition, Serial #269xxx, was the nickle plating afterma |
Buescher Aristocrat- late 50s early 60s? I just want to find out some more info on the Aristocrat tenor . I tried one out that was either late 50s to early 60s. yeah, |
I know someone that has a Buescher True Tone with a serial # of 165,xxx or 156,xxx. (I'll confirm this later) I was wondering |
With my 70 year old Conn 10M {A GREAT LADY}.......a newly acquired Otto Link NY 8 Super Tone Master, and a Superial DC 2 1/ |
Is Yamaha model YTS-023 a good model or what?!?! I bought a YTS-023 model Yamaha yesterday for a great price of $975. I am on a monthly plan and am paying $40 per month to bu |
I have just overhauled a bari sax with Rud Wurlitzer engraved on the bell, serial number 85902. The serial number is curved a |
i recently ran accrost an antone soulard and cant find anything about it can anyone help?? |
Can anyone recommend meuseum wax for raw brass horn |
Differnce in Mark VI & Mark VII What is the the actual difference between the Mark VI and the Mark VII? |
I currently own a tenor conn 16M sax and i was curious with the thoughts of other 16M players. The sound on this horn is fat |
I have a late 50's model Buescher Alto Aristocrat that has been in my basement for about 30+ years. The condition is as good |
Buesher '30s w/ Missing Mouthpiece What kind of mouthpiece would work with a Buesher Aristocrat made in the 30s? |
I am looking at a vintage Yani bari.The 3rd and 4th serial #'s are 7&5 which according to Sax and Brass Book makes it 1975.It |
did the Mark VI have a year that was specifically the best? curious about Mark VI alto....... |
To anyone out there that could help me figure out the value of a Conn Soprano Saxophone I have, and want to sell, that's in V |
next information on vintage Buescher saxophone I was looking to buy a vintage sax I saw on the internet. The seller didn't have much info and the pics weren't that great so |
Hey guys, I'm considering purchasing a Conn Alto. Can anyone recommend any good ones? Thanks, Sean (Trane Lives) |
Which type of Yamaha Tenor Sax do you recommend for Jazz players? Please tell me which Yamaha is the best for jazz!!! |
low tone problems on 1911 holton soprano For the past year I have been learning to play soprano on a 1911 Holton. My main instrument is the tenor which I have played |
I just put my SML Alto on ebay for sale. #7339962142 This horn is in great shape, no dings or dents. This is a great blowing |
Need care tips for King Silversonic Regarding the silver parts of the horn, what is the proper way to care for these parts? |
My YTS-23 Yamaha like most or all SAX they make has screws to adjust the pads left and right hand. But which Vintage Saxes ha |
I was helping my band directors clean out the band hall and i came across an old buescher bari. I couldnt find the serial num |