Saxophone Forum

Vintage Saxophones

Discussions about those great or sometimes not so great saxes of the past

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Selmer Alto

I have a Selmer Alto Sax, Serial number 57218, my research tells me that the first one made was SN57000. I would like to rest…

19 years ago
by kitwat (4 posts)

Baking an old finish on raw brass

I read a discussion thread from several of the members who were discussing the idea of adding an aged patina to older saxes b…

19 years ago
by Princerd (2 posts)

Conn 6m Alto

Can you tell me anything about a Conn 6m nickle plated in very good condition, Serial #269xxx, was the nickle plating afterma…

19 years ago
by Backinthesaxxleagain (15 posts)

Buescher Aristocrat- late 50s early 60s?

I just want to find out some more info on the Aristocrat tenor . I tried one out that was either late 50s to early 60s. yeah,…

19 years ago
by Dave Dix (421 posts)

Buescher True Tone

I know someone that has a Buescher True Tone with a serial # of 165,xxx or 156,xxx. (I'll confirm this later) I was wondering…

19 years ago
by Dave Dix (421 posts)

A thought for ConnsaxmanJim

With my 70 year old Conn 10M {A GREAT LADY}.......a newly acquired Otto Link NY 8 Super Tone Master, and a Superial DC 2 1/…

19 years ago
by Mactenor (102 posts)

Is Yamaha model YTS-023 a good model or what?!?!

I bought a YTS-023 model Yamaha yesterday for a great price of $975. I am on a monthly plan and am paying $40 per month to bu…

19 years ago
by saxophonik (73 posts)

Rud Wurlitzer bari sax

I have just overhauled a bari sax with Rud Wurlitzer engraved on the bell, serial number 85902. The serial number is curved a…

19 years ago
by Chuck8133 (16 posts)

antone soulard

i recently ran accrost an antone soulard and cant find anything about it can anyone help??

19 years ago
by bladerj87 (1 post)

Wax for bare brass

Can anyone recommend meuseum wax for raw brass horn

19 years ago
by saxologist (13 posts)

Differnce in Mark VI & Mark VII

What is the the actual difference between the Mark VI and the Mark VII?

19 years ago
by selmer 4evr (309 posts)

16M Conn Saxes

I currently own a tenor conn 16M sax and i was curious with the thoughts of other 16M players. The sound on this horn is fat…

19 years ago
by if_lisa_played_tenor (2 posts)

Buescher Sax Value

I have a late 50's model Buescher Alto Aristocrat that has been in my basement for about 30+ years. The condition is as good…

19 years ago
by Backinthesaxxleagain (15 posts)

Buesher '30s w/ Missing Mouthpiece

What kind of mouthpiece would work with a Buesher Aristocrat made in the 30s?

19 years ago
by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)

yanagisawa baritone

I am looking at a vintage Yani bari.The 3rd and 4th serial #'s are 7&5 which according to Sax and Brass Book makes it 1975.It…

19 years ago
by sax_maniac (984 posts)

Mark VI

did the Mark VI have a year that was specifically the best? curious about Mark VI alto.......

19 years ago
by llehctiMnairB (18 posts)

1913 Conn Soprano (Curved)

To anyone out there that could help me figure out the value of a Conn Soprano Saxophone I have, and want to sell, that's in V…

20 years ago
by steve eide (2 posts)

next information on vintage Buescher saxophone

I was looking to buy a vintage sax I saw on the internet. The seller didn't have much info and the pics weren't that great so…

20 years ago
by Dave Dix (421 posts)

Conn Alto

Hey guys, I'm considering purchasing a Conn Alto. Can anyone recommend any good ones? Thanks, Sean (Trane Lives)

20 years ago
by SaxAppeal (67 posts)

Which type of Yamaha Tenor Sax do you recommend for Jazz players?

Please tell me which Yamaha is the best for jazz!!!

20 years ago
by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)

low tone problems on 1911 holton soprano

For the past year I have been learning to play soprano on a 1911 Holton. My main instrument is the tenor which I have played…

20 years ago
by connsaxman_jim (2336 posts)

SML Alto for sale

I just put my SML Alto on ebay for sale. #7339962142 This horn is in great shape, no dings or dents. This is a great blowing…

20 years ago
by Korta (4 posts)

Need care tips for King Silversonic

Regarding the silver parts of the horn, what is the proper way to care for these parts?

20 years ago
by Mactenor (102 posts)

Pad adjustment screws?

My YTS-23 Yamaha like most or all SAX they make has screws to adjust the pads left and right hand. But which Vintage Saxes ha…

20 years ago
by sax_maniac (984 posts)

buescher bari

I was helping my band directors clean out the band hall and i came across an old buescher bari. I couldnt find the serial num…

20 years ago
by rob07 (38 posts)
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