Saxophone Forum

by dinosaurjones
(1 post)
18 years ago

jazz saxaphones

whats a good brand for alto for lead jazz player.

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  1. by CountSpatula
    (602 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: jazz saxaphones

    Mouthpiece or saxophone?

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  2. by Mike P.
    (13 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: jazz saxaphones

    Everyone is going to have a personal preference. You may want to try a couple of different horns out if you are asking about the sax itself. I personally play a Cannonball Big Bell Stone Series Alto and I love it. I have owned Yamaha YAS 62 and loved it, I have played Mark VI Selmer's and enjoyed them my personal favorite is the Cannonball. Selmer does make exquisite horns and the quality is par excellence. However, if you are on a fixed budget and are looking for a great horn you can find great professional saxes at a significantly lower cost (assuming you are looking for a pro model) As far as student line and intermediate model saxes...since I would recommend the Yamaha YAS 23 or the YAS 475. They are incredible horns and you will be hard pressed to find this kind of quality in student horns unless you are able to lay your hands on a really good Conn though I don't have any experience with them (Conns)...just purely from what others have said. As for are going to have to just try some of them out. The stock mouthpiece in the Cannonball is actually pretty good...However, most of the time stock mouthpieces that come with the horns are not really high, you will have to investigate a little bit. If you get a Cannonball, you will have to specify to the dealer what type of mouthpiece you want, they cut one for Jazz and one for Legit playing and unless you tell them which kind you want, your stuck with whatever comes in the case. For Legit sax, I use a E. Rousseau NC4 which has a small tip opening and a very dark sound (at least by my taste and it was a bit too dark for me initially until I used it a while and now I thoroughly enjoy it. I have used Selmer D and C* and like them as well. Try some out. There are some forums here where Sax equipment is talked about and there is some great advice given by some very knowledgeable folks regarding this very thing! Have a great time playing!

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    1. by CountSpatula
      (602 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: jazz saxaphones

      Heh, idunno about horns, but Ron ( can make a killer lead alto mouthpiece...although a little pricey. If your a student in school he can give you a little discount though=).

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  3. by Radjammin
    (255 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: jazz saxaphones

    I am going to assume you mean horn because you didn't say mouthpiece. I have a cannonball also and the big bell does have a nice lead alto tone. I do think there are alot of horns that would work as the Lead horn. Can we get a little feedback on what you really wanta know? Like do you have a price range you are looking for. Or maybe you just wanted to post a question and get lots of opinons? Do you want a newer horn or do you perfer vintage? Yes, some horns function better in certain enviroments, just tell us what your thinkin.

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  4. by saxplaya81
    (110 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: jazz saxaphones

    If you are goin to be a serious player one thing you should think about when buying a horn is to look at it as an investment for yourself as well as price, be careful with some of the brands out there, because if you buy certain horns and you decide later on you want something else you'll end up selling it at more of a loss as opposed to other brands, I'd suggest investing in a Mark VI, you can get a good mark vi for around 2-3 thousand some places, and if you decide you dont want it anymore I GUARANTEE you'll be able to sell it for 3 or 4 thousand cus theres always someone lookin for one and willing to pay top dollar.

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    1. by golferguy675
      (600 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: jazz saxaphones

      First of all, how much money can you spend? My lead alto set up is a Super 20 with a Phil Barone 7M. That to me is as good as it gets. As far as a lead horn goes, you just need a horn that can put out a lot of volume. So with that in mind, I would stay away from the new Selmers. The new Yamahas are pretty good, and the 62II is a good buy. The Yanagisawas are excellent in every aspect to me, except for maybe ergonomics. The biggest sounding vintage horn is without a doubt the King Super 20. So what type of music does your band usually play? If you guys dig a lot of older swing tunes, then I think you would be better suited to something like an opened up Otto Link. If you play a variety, or mostly newer stuff, the Barone New York is that best lead alto piece I've found. I also liked the Ponzol hard rubber though. The main point that I will make however is do not buy a metal mouthpiece for lead alto.

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      1. by selmerfan
        (67 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: jazz saxaphones

        golferguy675, speaking your mind is great, but please don't espouse your personal opinions as facts. I've played several well set-up Super 20's, good horns, yes, but I had a Mark VI that out blew them for me, and that was sold in favor of an even bigger sounding Reference alto which I do play lead on in a big band with a refaced (Frank Wells) Meyer M7M. Let's try to keep opinion separate from fact, and make sure that when anyone is thinking about a new horn and/or set-up that what works for one guy doesn't for his buddy, it's a very personal thing. There are many good saxes out there, one has to find the one that they sound best on to them, an to a couple independent listeners. selmerfan PS In opinion I'd agree with the metal mpc comment, but I also play lead tenor in another band that the lead alto plays a metal mpc on with an outstanding sound! But personally, I hate metal mouthpieces all around!

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        1. by saxplaya81
          (110 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: jazz saxaphones

          Yeah I definately agree with that, I played a balanced action 25xxx or something like that a few weeks ago and even though it needed a repad it still blew the 3 mark vi's my repair guy had in the shop and my reference away. I use a custom beechler bellite metal #9 and a winslow lig on my tenor and the sound is HUGE and cuts through like a hot knife through butter,

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        2. by SaxGirlChlo
          (4 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: jazz saxaphones

          Err, wasn't the Selmer company back then when they made the Mark VIs very inconsistent? Just because its got Mark VI on it doesn't mean its the best horn ever!=) By the way, I think you can have a big sound on any horn, just depends on what mouthpiece you put on it. My Claude Lakey likes to sing over our jazz band on my Yamaha!=)

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        3. by blackfrancis
          (396 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: jazz saxaphones

          Selmer was very consistent back then. I had a mk.VI that was a fine horn. Great tone (if you like the Selmer concept) and solid intonation. I sold it and got a Conn tranny that absolutely (for me) blows away any Selmer I've ever played. So there you have it: different strokes. Try out a bunch of horns and see which agrees with you. As to the metal mouthpiece- Art Pepper once told our section that an alto should never use a metal piece. B.S. I was playing a SS Berg 90/1 at the time which I needed to be heard over the brass. Big, fat, full. Use what works for you, as the tone is more in the design and how you blow it than it is in the material.

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        4. by saxplaya81
          (110 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: jazz saxaphones

          It doesnt matter what company it is, every single horn that comes off the assembly line isnt goin to be the same, and what horn you think is the best is personal opinion, but if you look at selmers track record and who is and was playing them, i think that speaks for itself, john coltrane, sonny rollins, michael brecker, paul desmond, joe henderson, tom scott, just to name a few of the big names, all play, or played selmers. For me personally, the best horn I ever played was a closet kept mint condition mark vi loud powerful smooth and mellow from Bb to G4.

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