Saxophone Forum

by napas14
(24 posts)
19 years ago

Otto link 8*

I play tenor saxophone with a metal otto link 8*. I am currently playing a Yamaha Yts-21 but hope to get buescher or martin sax, but thats besides the fact. Anyways I was hoping someone could give me some siggestions on a good reed to use, I have been playing for 3 years and currently play Rico or Rico Royal size 21/2-3. thanks.

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  1. by CountSpatula
    (602 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Otto link 8*

    Theres plenty of good reeds out there, you'll just have to try different ones. Brighter sounding reeds are ones like Alexander Superials, Vandoren Javas, or La Voz. Darker sounding you could try Vandoren ZZ/V16, Rico Jazz Selects, or Alexander DCs.

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    1. by blackfrancis
      (396 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Otto link 8*

      On my 8* I have tried ZZs #2 1/2 ("buzzy" and they go soft too soon), V16s #2 (more focused) and Jazz Select #2m & 2H (tone like the V16 and better pricing). Like the Count says, you just have to try different ones.

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      1. by saxismyaxe
        (575 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Otto link 8*

        Blackfrancis is spot on about the ZZ's. I used them for a couple of years until I became fed up with their short lifespan. I've used just about every reed made at one time or another, and agree that it is a personal choice. All I can tell you is that, among many other mouthpieces I use, my favorite is a self-tweaked/refaced Otto Link STM 8* and I have settled on a La Voz med reed as my personal, perfect match. I'm using a Selmer 404 lig with this setup.

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        1. by saxismyaxe
          (575 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Otto link 8*

          I should add that I use this setup on my Conn 10M/30/s, Buescher TH&C/Big B's, King Super20/Zephyrs and my favorite, a 1947 The Martin Committee among my horns, all with great success. Should you decide to get a Martin or Buescher, you will likely find brilliant results with it as well.

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      2. by The Insomniac Saxman
        (141 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Otto link 8*

        If you can afford to do so, go into a store and buy two of every reed model in the strength you typically use (although consult a reed strength chart first as strengths vary between companies and even within a company's line). Record yourself and listen back. Consult other players while you do this and have them give you feedback on your sound with each type of reed. You also might want to try a couple of different ligatures--sadly, the Otto Link lig will wear out relatively fast (depending on how much you play), and may not accomodate certain reeds.

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        1. by threetenors
          (18 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Otto link 8*

          For my otto link, I use Rico Jazz selects 3 soft filed. I find that this gives a very warm tone, similar to that which you would get out of a normal 2 1/2 reed by rico, but the sound as a touch more power. These reeds also last a really long time, compared to others, in my opinion at least. I use an otto link 7* though, so it might be different...

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          1. by jazzears
            (12 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: Otto link 8*

            I think everyone's advice has been good, but I think insomniac saxman gave some REMARKABLY sound advice. Very analytical. I especially liked his advice about recording and playback.

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            1. by Seano
              (132 posts)

              18 years ago

              Re: Otto link 8*

              I know a guy who plays 3.5s on his Otto Link 9*, he gets a huge sound. But everyones different, go buy a bunch (as insomniac said) and try em. sean

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            2. by Seano
              (132 posts)

              18 years ago

              Re: Otto link 8*

              oops! thats 3.5 Vandoren V16s.

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