Saxophone Forum

by newreedsyndrome
(343 posts)
18 years ago

Hot Water is yourFfriend

I could be full of crap, but I've found that drinking hot water before you play, and soaking reeds in hot water helps me play (not that I think it's some kind of secret cure for all your saxophone problems; nothing is; it just makes things a little easier, especially on quiet low notes on bari and bass).

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  1. by jazzplayer15
    (27 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Hot Water is yourFfriend

    I was in a pit orchestra for a musical over the summer and drinking warm water right before we played helped me to keep my reed wet for longer. I've never tried soaking my reeds in warm water, but I can understand how that would work.

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    1. by chiamac
      (586 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Hot Water is yourFfriend

      this reminds me of two things... a great part of Army of Darkness and having other "drinks" before playing, that also help...

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      1. by martysax
        (148 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Hot Water is yourFfriend

        I suggest using the hot water to clean the old fashioned glass about to be filled with scotch. 12 year Highlands Single malt, neat.

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        1. by saxmachine777
          (57 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Hot Water is yourFfriend

          Man, I second that about the scotch (though I like a nice mature islay single malt, most assuredly neat; but this isn't an alcohol forum), though a few of the old schoolers I've hung around swear by soaking a reed in vodka in a shot glass to keep it nimble in the pit/between sets. I don't know how much is actually to temper the reed versus just the dudes enjoying the taste of their drink, but it's fun to rationalize!

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