I put up a post like this earlier, but since I dont know a shortcut to look at my personal posts--if there is any--I cant respond to anyone that replied to me.
I must be retarded.
But anyways. Someone told me that getting a sanbornish sound has to deal w/ the tip opening, larger=brighter. and another teacher replied online that I should practice on a rubber one first, but since he doesnt know my skill level, he cant give a definitive answer. He added that playing on a metal mouthpiece might make bad habits.
I'd love to ask him, but I cant find my old post.
Does anyone know what these bad habits are?
Also, I've been looking at mouthpieces recently and there are so many diffrent metal ones: Bari Gold, Dukoff, Beechler, etc.etc. Does anyone of these produce a significantly different sound than eachother? Cuz i'd really like a sanbornish sound, and I dont wanan buy the wrong mouthpiece w/ a .80 tip opening (thats what I use on my rubber lakey)
Thanks for all the help
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