Saxophone Forum

by Dirty_Reggae
(55 posts)
18 years ago

Tenor Saxophones: Vintage vs Modern I haven't posted on here in forever, but i was never religious about it anyways i anyways! Its that time again! Im in the market for a new tenor saxophone. My old conn went trhough some..lets say "intense" damage. I play a lot of bop in small groups and my old 6m really stood well in that but i need a new one. A lot of you guys know a ton about different horns and what they produce well and such. So far ive been looking into a King Super 20 (which i cant really afford yet) a replacement 6m, or go off the risky end and by an unlaquered Cannonball. Any advice one these you guys have, or maybe gimme a whole new sax to try out, would be greatly appreciated!

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  1. by Donnie The B
    (282 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Tenor Saxophones: Vintage vs Modern

    Since you say you can't afford a Super 20, I'm guessing you're going to be able to swing $2500 or less. I recently passed on a near new Selmer Reference 36 for a bit less than that. There is a nice rebuilt 1950's Martin Tenor for sale on another site for $1700. Have you considered a new Yamaha? I suspect you could get a re-padded Conn 10M for $2500 or less. But I hope you'll re-think including Cannonball on your list. Just doubt that this is one of the brands that will stand the test of time. Good Luck.

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    1. by Dirty_Reggae
      (55 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Tenor Saxophones: Vintage vs Modern

      So many mixed reviews on Cannonball. Theres a pro sax shop in my town, and they love the things. Pro players too. Its weird. Also one of the top players at my college plays one and i like the feel of. But because of the skeptism i think im gonna play it safe. About the budget. Im a college student. I basically have no money. The already know ABOUT how much its gonna run me, but the cheaper the horn i find the better. But it has to be able to handle me. Im ridicuously picky. For cash, my Soprano is for sale on ebay right now. I bought it for 900 and i hope to get at least that. I spose ill have to try out the Martin. Ive never been too much of a fan. I found something on ebay the other day though, a King H.G. White or something. Anyone know anything about that? oh and if you need a great antiqua winds soprano, let me know, hah

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      1. by Donnie The B
        (282 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Tenor Saxophones: Vintage vs Modern

        If you liked your Conn, why not get another? Except maybe try a 1940's 10M. Recent Ebay sales for fairly nice examples=$1050-$1625. Read Connman's comments on his 1948 10M elsewhere here. Now with an Ebay deal, you can figure on a re-pad for $200 usually. Sometimes way worse than just that, but sometimes nothing to do but play. You can get a Yamaha 52 for under $1000 in pretty nice shape. Or a 62 for $1200-$1650. These are a step up from the Yamaha 23 student horn - in case you want a newer horn that's supposed to be good. Or how about a Selmer Super Action 80 for $1600-$2000? - speaking of newer horns. Seems like the King Super 20 would be $2000 even if you were willing to go for an Eastlake version from the early 1970's, unless you get a really cosmetically challenged horn. The King Zephyr is cheaper. The H.G. White Co. made the King Brand. There's a decent freshly padded THE Martin Tenor for sale elsewhere for $1199. If you are not in a huge hurry, try some different horns first. Good Luck.

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        1. by Sax Mom
          (964 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Tenor Saxophones: Vintage vs Modern

          Um, a 6m is an alto... isn't a 10m a tenor? I'd go for another 6m if I could find one.

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        2. by swingstreet
          (315 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Tenor Saxophones: Vintage vs Modern

          Yep, 6M is the alto, and 10M is the tenor.

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        3. by Donnie The B
          (282 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Tenor Saxophones: Vintage vs Modern

          The original question was somewhat confusing, in that he is replacing a Conn 6M alto - but he stated that he wants a tenor now. Later.

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        4. by Sax Mom
          (964 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Tenor Saxophones: Vintage vs Modern

          Maybe it was a 16m that received some damage, that would be the student model tenor. That's what I have for Tenor. Some of the 16m's are quite good (probably not as good as the 10's, but likely less money!).

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        5. by Dirty_Reggae
          (55 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Tenor Saxophones: Vintage vs Modern

          Haha, didn't mean to cause so much confusion everyone. I DO play on a 6m alto and i love it to death, but thats not the sax in question. My old tenor was a 16m kind of crap tenor. It got the job done, but i always feel like the ghetto-child when im around the cannonballs, ref 54's, and Mark VI's that most of the students play. Yeh, there is a 10m tenor at the shop in my town. I need to go down and play it (and also check the price tag). I played a pro cannonball a couple days ago (the model number escapes me) and it actually had a great sound. Very characteristic. However, i really like to be sure of things, so im not going to buy anything that has this many mixed reviews. Thanks for all your help guys, and if ya have any more advice for me, please let me know. Oh and if ya have specific mouthpeices that you like with the horns lemme know. I play on a rubber link right now which has treated me well but i like to diversify myself.

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        6. by Donnie The B
          (282 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Tenor Saxophones: Vintage vs Modern

          Just read Jason Dumars' review of a recent model Cannonball at - - might have to change my tune a bit. But just like the Japanese horns, you need to stay away from the earlier production horns for sure - the (I think) 1999/2000 tenor I saw was bad. As far as mouthpieces, I think vintage of horn somewhat determines the best vintage of mouthpiece. The Mark VI Selmers sound great with the old Selmer Soloist hard rubber pieces - kind of like they were made for each other, which I suppose would be right. If you want a clean new mouthpiece, check out Ralph Morgan's quality work. Also see Springer handmade mouthpieces (high quality and not too expensive). Phil Barone makes an expensive metal piece that is remarkable. I have heard that Jody Espina cares about his product. The newer Selmer pieces are OK too. Good Luck.

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