Saxophone Forum

by Zevulun
(24 posts)
17 years ago

Very open holes in my sax

Hello!. I've got a Tenor Conn New Wonder Series II since not long ago and i think (sorry, but my english maybe is not enough good to explain it) it have a longer than usual distance between the holes and the discs where the buttons are.I supossed that this distance maybe depends of the player demands, but (maybe is a stupid question) what distance is more correct?, and how can i fix it?.Thanks in advance. Best regards. Zevulun

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  1. by Sax Mom
    (964 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: Very open holes in my sax

    If the key heights are too close to the body, it will change the intonation of the horn. A good technician would be the best person to "fix" what might not be correct without over compensating. Check the pictures on to compare your horn to those of the same type and era.

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