Saxophone Forum

by SaxNoob
(19 posts)
18 years ago

What's "growling"?

i was wondering what growling was and can anyone tell me techiques on the saxophone to make it sound really cool when playing solo?? any techniques

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  1. by swingstreet
    (315 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: What's "growling"?

    I get it from a combination of loosening my lip and then literally growling when I blow into it. However, others may do it differently. I don't thinkm there is only one way to do it.

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  2. by jamterry
    (573 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: What's "growling"?

    Hi SaxNoob, Just hum while you play and you'll get that growl sound. Also, flutter tonguing is good for distortion. Good luck with that :) Terry

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  3. by newreedsyndrome
    (343 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: What's "growling"?

    Altimssimo multiphonics are a really cool way to get a growl, but they're pretty hard to do. Whenever you hear Michael Brecker or David Sanborn play a screamin' high note, its probably that. There are special fingerings for altissimo multiphonics. The one I had the easiest time getting down was high G#. I use 123/*** with the side C, or *23/*23. It'll take a while to learn, but thats a really cool effect.

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  4. by SaxJazz42
    (9 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: What's "growling"?

    The first post mostly has it- growling comes from the interference that occurs when two pitches are played at the same time. The way to do it is to sing a pitch through the horn whilst playing a different pitch. singing a minor third below the fingered pitch seems to work well for me. My professor says he tries to sing something non-descript, something very gutteral and low. that works for him. for a great example of a well placed and well executed growl- check out Ben Webster on Cottontail (with Duke Ellington's band). Hope that helps-

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