Saxophone Forum

by theNewGuy
(1 post)
18 years ago

Learning jazz

Hey guys I’m new here and have only been playing sax for about 9months but in this time I have Learnt a great deal about jazz music and at this point can play big band charts around grade 4-5 but I have kinda stalled with improvement and was wondering if anybody could give me some pointers on improving my jazz technique and stuff thanks w

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  1. by Christian Anderson
    (73 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Learning jazz

    there's already threads on this forum on that subject, look around for them.

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  2. by Donnie The B
    (282 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Learning jazz

    Newbie- I urge you to not allow yourself to stall. Continue to challenge yourself to improve as long as you play. This advice comes from a 44 year veteran of the tenor sax. Once I got to be the best in my school, once I had a successful band, once I became in demand to fill-in with other bands - I allowed my practice routine to suffer. Only later when I realized how far behind some pros I was, did I start challenging myself again. Don't concentrate too much on jazz - or rock - or rhythm and blues - or any genre of music. Learn the fundamentals of your horn and the mechanics of music and music theory. Good Luck.

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    1. by saxmachine777
      (57 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Learning jazz

      Donnie brings a good point. What you've come to is known as a creative crisis. It'll happen, but don't worry about it too much. Just keep on. Your skill growth will be difficult to guage in real time, but when you look back after a few months (or really any extended period of time) you'll see that you've improved. Also, I've always supported playing among musicians above your skill level. Playing with people who are better than you will expedite your growth, and refine your sense of communication through the horn. And after all, isn't that what music's about? So in summary: keep on keepin' on, and play with people that can take you to school. Good luck, George

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      1. by swingstreet
        (315 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Learning jazz

        I'll echo saxmachine here. I have also quoted Lee Konitz several times on this, and I'll repeat it again. In the first lesson I had with Lee he told me "Always play over your head". Always playing with people better than me helped me improve a lot. You will also find that more experienced players will always encourage and support your progress if you show a genuine desire to improve. Once in a while it may seem as if you hit a wall in your practice. Don't worry too much about it. Get out there and make friends with experienced players, and you will have plenty of teachers who can show you the way. Keep it up.

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