Saxophone Forum

by thesaxman11
(1 post)
18 years ago

caravan piece

I"m a college student looking for a "non-bright" tone with a great sound over all. I've heard this piece as well as the rascher are great mouthpieces for legit playing. If anybody has any other suggestions let me know about some great mouthpices. oh yeah, i'm SICK of the C* and the bright sound i get on it.

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  1. by musicroxmysox2009
    (3 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: caravan piece

    Hey, I use the Caravan large and medium bore mouthpieces, and they give you a great dark sound. To enhance this use Vandoren or something similar traditional reeds, and a basic Rovner ligature.

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    1. by CountSpatula
      (602 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: caravan piece

      The Selmer C* isn't that bright of a piece. Most of the sound comes from YOU anyways. Mouthpieces help some things but they can't cure everything. It's easiest to find a nice mouthpiece that plays easy and work on it.

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