Saxophone Forum

by 92hatchattack
(11 posts)
17 years ago

Where to start?

Ok, heres the deal. Im just about 25 years old now and i havent owned or played a sax since high school. I davel in a few other instruments, mainly guitar and drums. I can hold the beat on a set of drums, but as far as guitar playing, its not that hot. Can play cords pretty well, and easier classic song like sweet home alabama, or Randy Rhoads's DEE. But all this is self taught and i feel as if my musical knoledge is minimal. I took a basic music theory class in HS but have forgoten most of that by now. But now, im intrested in buying myself a new tenor sax in about 4 months, because the groove never left my soul entirely. What im looking for now is a nice easy transition back into music, and music theory. Is there a good book thats nice and basic that can get me back in the loop of things? I want to regain and exceed my knoledge of music before i purchase the sax. I want to learn chords and scales and where to use what applications. When i was in jazz band back in hs, i really did have a good tearcher. He was cool, and his instrument of choice was the sax. But backthenw hen i asked him to sit down and go over the structure of blues anad jazz, and work with me to understand more about the scales and improv, he just never had the time because like many hs teachers he did the jazz, concert, and marching band. But i am still intrested in learning all this. I want to be able to listen to music on the radio, recognize the key, and play along. So, i hope this little backround check will help you help me to get pointed in the right direction! Thanks for taking the time to stop and read this and hope to hear from ya soon! ---Joe

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