Re: Tone and Embouchure
Hi Speedy,
When i was a child my teacher tied a hankerchief around my chin just below my lower lip. This was cure my curling of the lower lip. He tied it tight to the point of pain. Nowadays kids want to wake up and be able to play. I also think that playing clarinet is good for your embouchere. I like the the embouchere Reginald Gel used too, but it is a double curl. Benny Goodman took lessons from Reginald Gel, to overcome his fear of the crack, which is the transition from low to high notes. The main thing you have to do is practice relentlessly. If you want to be good , you have to develope those crack note jumps from the bottom of the horn to the top in one leap. I think the 6MM is a little tinny for your experience. Alto doesn't need brilliance. I use am old Selmer classic metal that Fred Hemke hipped me to and a couple Meyer 5's. I think that you need a teacher at least for a few weeks to watch your embouchure, Good luck with that Speedy :)
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