Saxophone Forum

by Cece
(2 posts)
20 years ago

Copper-plated (pink) Keilwerth SX90r tenor

My son badly wants a black tenor Keilwerth SX90r. However, we have a chance to buy a used 1998 copper-plated one for a much cheaper price than a new black nickel. Does anyone know if these saxes are really pink? It's hard to tell in the photos. Does the copper plating produce a warm sound? I thought I'd ask the I cannot find any info on the internet. Thanks for your help.

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  1. by golferguy675
    (600 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Copper-plated (pink) Keilwerth SX90r tenor

    I previously owned a copper plated yanigasawa alto sax. It makes a much warmer sound. I don't play keilwerths, so they may be different, but the copper plated sax has more of a legit warm sound to it. I never use it for jazz. The black sax could have an edgier tone to it, but could play legit too. It depends on if it's your only horn. Personally, if it was my only horn, I wouldnt want either, because neither produce a very versatile sound. The gold lacquer or unlacquered are good for that. Also that matt finish saxes, but you are really going to have to try on one of those to get a good ring out of it.

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    1. by Cece
      (2 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Copper-plated (pink) Keilwerth SX90r tenor

      Thanks for your info. It would be my son's only sax as he is only 14 and just beginning his "career" as a player. We would be upgrading from a good beginner horn. He plays mostly jazz and wants to make music his lifelong career.

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      1. by SaxMan
        (559 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Copper-plated (pink) Keilwerth SX90r tenor

        get him the copper. Most kids quite after a while - they tell you that they are going to play forever and quite the next year. A friend of mine going to ASU spent about 11 grand on saxes and m/ps and now he's quit. now I KNOW that I am going to play forever, just not professionally. If your son is calling a "career" playing at restaurants a few times a week, he is in for a rude awakening - those 100 bucks a gig, depending on the size of the ensemble, might not even pay for gas and music. I know a trumpet player that plays every wednesday at a steakhouse - a hundred bucks a gig, 6 people in the quartet, he buys an appetizer so that he doesnt eat too heavy, but still has something to eat, and a drink and hes in the red before he even sets up. (other wise he would make a wopping 13 or 14 dollars.)

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    2. by Hexaclon
      (90 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Copper-plated (pink) Keilwerth SX90r tenor

      Hi, Umm, I never played a Keilwerth but, I say buy it and try it. If you don't like, then sell it. :) Maybe you can sell it for more that it cost you in ebay. Take your chances. That's only my opinion. Hope I helped P, L and M

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