Saxophone Forum

by skaplayer
(1 post)
20 years ago

creating a new sound

I've played sax all my life(i'm 23 now) and only once have I heard the sound I am looking for. I don't even know the dj'z name but his album "down to the bone" is a collection of musicianz songz which he remixed for the clubz, giving them a dance, techno feel. he only mixez so as far as I know there are no sax artistz exploring this sound. I could use some help in picking the right sax, reed, etc. that will work well this this type of music. i'd like it to have a very clear, crisp sound, yet very rich like when you hit the note just perfect and it soundz as if your hitting the note an octave higher along with it! any ideaz?!? I would also be interested in knowin 

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  1. by golferguy675
    (600 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: creating a new sound

    The sax that you're going to hear that on is the tenor. There are a whole bunch of tenors that are good for jazz. A good open tenor that I have is the Yamaha 82z unlacquered. (unlacquered resonates more) You'll also want a metal mouthpiece. There's so many their I can't even come close to just naming one. There's custom, modern, vintage, then all the brands, sizes, facings, all that shit. This may sound really stupid and unbelievable, but one of the people I play with a lot bought a vandoren metal piece. He said they're making pretty beefy tenor pieces now. He sounds alright, but I'm not sure. I've got an old vintage link. Don't get one of those damn inverted black ligatures that deadens your tone if you want to sound like that. Some inverts can be open though. Then whatever reed, but get no heavier than a 3 for a mouthpiece like that. And look into necks too. The G1 neck that comes with the Yamaha custom is pretty good. I've got an Oleg though. hehehe....

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