Saxophone Forum

by sax_maniac
(984 posts)
21 years ago

Brilhart Enduro reeds, Vibrators

I've got a handful of these reeds - some badly used, some pristine. Also, the Vibrators have longitudinal carvings in them. Are these of any particular value or interest? I'm not really looking to sell them as they add so much character being in the horn's original case. Just wondering if there's reed junkies out there like there are mpc junkies...

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  1. by SaxMan
    (559 posts)

    21 years ago

    Re: Brilhart Enduro reeds, Vibrators

    I use vibrators on C-mel, I love them, they all play, and about 4 in 5 play good - though strength is not to uniform - I find that they vary a quarter strength in both directions, though it has been a long time since I got my C-mels out. I bought about 60, would have botten more if there were more for sale.

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  2. by SaxMan
    (559 posts)

    21 years ago

    Re: Brilhart Enduro reeds, Vibrators

    I use vibrators on C-mel, I love them, they all play, and about 4 in 5 play good - though strength is not to uniform - I find that they vary a quarter strength in both directions, though it has been a long time since I got my C-mels out. I bought about 60, would have botten more if there were more for sale.

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  3. by ken hart
    (1 post)

    20 years ago

    Re: Brilhart Enduro reeds, Vibrators

    i am wanting to buy enduro reeds for clarinet--can you help

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    1. by sax_maniac
      (984 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: Brilhart Enduro reeds, Vibrators

      Sorry. I have them only for tenor. If you have experience with them, I'd be curious as to what you think of them compared to modern synthetics sound-wise. They don't appear to be nearly as durable as modern synthetic reeds.

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