Saxophone Forum

by mr. freakjar
(11 posts)
20 years ago

west african rythmic ideas

does anyone have any idea what people are listening to to understand the african polyrhythmic ideas better? I've checked out bryce wassey, and i can see the influence of african music on FLY (mark turner, jeff ballard, & larry grenadier). anything else that seems essential?

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  1. by mr. freakjar
    (11 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: west african rythmic ideas

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  2. by KingNecron
    (76 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: west african rythmic ideas

    I've heard that Rush drummer Neil Peart takes trips to Africa to collect drums 'n' such, and he uses a lot of African polyrhythms in his own drumming. Then again, this has nothing to do with jazz or saxophones, but rather with the drumming techniques of one of the greatest progressive rock bands of all time.

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    1. by golferguy675
      (600 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: west african rythmic ideas

      Again, this was 2 years ago. I hope to God he's not stil looking for answers. :D Anyway, since the topic has been ressurected, Kenny Garret has a lot of that type of stuff in his playing.

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  3. by dss
    (2 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: west african rythmic ideas

    your best best would be to actually listen to african music, I would think. it might be a good idea to check out a compilation of the traditional music of one particular culture (say, Ghanan music or the music of Mali). Although there's plenty of great afropop/afrobeat music out there, and plenty of bands that skirt the edges of traditional african music, traditional music is typically going to have more rhythmic complexity.

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