Saxophone Forum

(11 posts)
21 years ago

Where to find real saxophone talk.

Honestly, 90 percent of the forums in contain misguided information of people who find their information online or formulate their own theories about saxophone history. For real information for real, dedicated sax players should be NASA. As a teacher, I know that is the best place online. All discussions there contain info from truly accomplished teachers, professors, and performers of saxophone.

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  1. by saxman0317
    (53 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Where to find real saxophone talk.

    You know, the only other good place ive seen around for sax would have to be, but still not much beats this place. Teachers just want us off the internet and practicing 24/7

  2. by sax_maniac
    (984 posts)

    21 years ago

    Re: Where to find real saxophone talk.

    Discussion around saxophones without being able to hear each other play is like talking about politics without allowing the subject of government to be introduced. I think that there's enough sincere folk on SaxQuest that it's not all that bad - though things tend to get off subject and the boards are not monitored or cleaned up perhaps as much as they should be. Sometimes it's fun to play 18 holes at Oakland Hills. Sometimes it's fun to throw darts at the pub. Anyone for some Cricket???

    1. by chiamac
      (586 posts)

      21 years ago

      Re: Where to find real saxophone talk.

      blindly trusting anything you read on the internet (espically on a forum) is stupid. but there are a lot of people on here who know what they are doing and who have some great experences to share. Yes, there are idiots on here, but you can find those all over the place. Shit, I'm one of them most of the time. I think that most people on here are smart enough to know which is the good advice, and what is fluff. If they can't, who knows what they would do when given better advice on another site (as you said while big upping that other place) they would prolly just take the stupid advice on that site as well. just my .02

  3. by johnsonfromwisconsin
    (767 posts)

    21 years ago

    Re: Where to find real saxophone talk.

    You're going to find chaff on any medium that's open to anyone's BS (including NASA). I hate the NASA messageboard mail/usenet style that's beyond antiquated. It's painfull. Otherwise, I see that there's at least one player I admire who posts there. :)

    1. by wesmiller
      (55 posts)

      21 years ago

      Re: Where to find real saxophone talk.

      To SATB saxRH: Now is your golden opportunity to enlighten everyone. I anxiously await your posts. WM

      1. by Spunky2sax75
        (75 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Where to find real saxophone talk.

        If that site is so glorious, stay there, don't bug us with your whining about this site. If that one is so much better, take your time posting there, since you obviously know more about saxes than anyone here;-)

      2. by SaxMan
        (559 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Where to find real saxophone talk.

        HAHAHA your last sentence really cracked me up.

      3. by DefiniSax
        (10 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Where to find real saxophone talk.

        I agree that SATBsax should stop complaining about this site (even though what he said here is true) because I think if people want to talk about saxophone, they talk about it because they like saxophone not because they're talking to some knowledgable professor or whatever. But i've seen a lot of his posts, and they seem to be on the money, I think we should give him some credit for that. A lot of what he said seems to be consistent with what my teachers have said, Dale Underwood and George Etheridge, and I don't like to secondguess their knowledge. I'm a college student now, but I don't think I'll ever be as knowledgable as a teacher yet (or any other student as a matter of fact), because those guys have have spent years not only learning about the saxophone but having a lot of experiences (sax/music related of course) that we all don't have. (-Edited for readability by Elke on 12/31/2004 12:10:28 AM)

      4. by DefiniSax
        (10 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Where to find real saxophone talk.

        i dont think he ever said rascher played the cadenza correctly, nor did he mention rascher playing glazunov, but thanks, i already have some good recordings, i think my teacher is awesome, i think SATsax was referring to him, cuz he attended the paris conservatory and was taught by marcel mule, or maybe not, whatever. he (etheridge) was an awesome teacher, he got me into all-state band, and he got me into umichigan (well at least his teaching did, i guess i did the playing)

      5. by SaxMan
        (559 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: Where to find real saxophone talk.

        Well, if you are in his boat, you are wrong - there is almost no stuff availiable on mule cause he hated recording, there are only 2 albums he ever got out - the history of saxophone and another that I cna never remember. Rascher got a bunch out, but ti is hard ot filter through which ones today are really his as a lot of people have done tributes to him.