Saxophone Forum

by wteare
(1 post)
17 years ago

Best Case for High School Tenor

My son is moving up to High School this year where he'll be playing Tenor Sax in the Marching Band and possibly Jazz band. He has a Yamaha YTS-52 and a Selmer 1244. He'll use the Selmer for Marching Band, and the case on that one is pretty solid and not too heavy. He'll be using the Yamaha for "indoor" bands. The Yamaha has a nice solid case, but it weighs a ton and my son would really like a lighter weight case for it. Any suggestions on a decent case that can withstand the rigors of a High Schooler?! Thanks!! - Wendy

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  1. by lo pro
    (19 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: Best Case for High School Tenor

    I used a Pro Tec flight case for my horn that I played in concert and marching band. It is a nice sturdy case and I've been happy with it.

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  2. by barisax999
    (400 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: Best Case for High School Tenor

    you may want to look at an skb. its a pretty decent case, contoured and easy to carry. personally, i roll with a bam softpack, but thats probably a lot higher in price than you want to invest, especially for those horns.

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    1. by cuber
      (653 posts)

      16 years ago

      Re: Best Case for High School Tenor

      ANYTHING BUT A "GIG BAG" they offer no protection to the horn Oh the horror stories i could tell... well, story

      Reply To Post

      1. by Saxesofevil
        (24 posts)

        16 years ago

        Re: Best Case for High School Tenor

        I agree. My friend had a Cannonball Sax and a "Gig Bag" and he accidentally dropped it and it broke some keys. he dropped it onto concrete. He was crying for days

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