Hi everyone! I just joined and I figured I might as well intro myself. My name is Carlin, and I'm a freshman. I play a rather basic Yamaha alto saxophone that I've been playing on since the 6th grade. So, I'm looking into getting a new sax. I was wondering what y'all think of the Yanagisawa A991. It is soo pretty in the black lacquer, I MUST have it! Of course I'd keep the old Yamaha for marching next year. (Where I go to school, 9th grade is part of the junior high, and we don't march.) Although, this Friday, we got the chance to be on the field with the "real" band, and it was so much fun.
I ramble, don't I? Anyway, just wanted to say hey, and get an opinion of the Yanagisawa A991.
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