Saxophone Forum

by plittles4
(2 posts)
16 years ago

Need advice

Hi, I'm Melanie and I'm interested in purchasing an alto sax for my daughter who has only been playing for a few months. She absolutely loves practicing. Basically, that's all she ever wants to do. She takes lessons and will be marching next year. She is currently renting a Yamaha 23. We would like to purchase a used sax that will last her for a while. We have the opportunity to purchase a LeBlanc Paris Artist model 755. I think it is a 1965. It has been well cared for. It has individual adjustment screws, which I am concerned about during marching season. Any comments or suggestions?

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  1. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    16 years ago

    Re: Need advice

    I would stick with her playing the rental horn. The Yamaha 23 is a top choice for young players. LeBlanc make good clarinets but I don't think their student model saxes are as good as the Yamaha model 23. You could apply the rent towards purchase and then if she is still interested in High School, you could get a really good step up horn, purhaps a Yamaha model 62ll.............Kelsey
    Barry Kelsey

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    1. by plittles4
      (2 posts)

      16 years ago

      Re: Need advice

      Thank you for this advice. The owner says that this is a professional model LeBlanc. He is asking $425. The finish is not perfect. She does really like the Yas23, though.

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