Saxophone Forum

by jlima
(1 post)
16 years ago

Marty Ehrlich set-up

Hi, I am intrigued by Marty Ehrlich's incredible sound on alto. I am planning to buy an alto soon, so I would love to know what set-up he uses. Would anyone know what horn and mouthpiece he uses? I've searched the net but came up with nothing so far. Thanks a lot!

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  1. by chalazon
    (547 posts)

    16 years ago

    Re: Marty Ehrlich set-up

    why don't you ask Marty? His e-mail address is on his web page. It looks to me like he plays a MKVI. By the way..playing his mouthpiece and horn will not make you sound like might want to base your sound off's a great alto sound for sure..but eventually you're gonna want to sound like you own beautiful self..good luck, and keep the faith.

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