Hello all!
As an official "noob" I wanted to introduce myself.
I am an official "old fart" having been born one year after the introduction of the Selmer Mark VI.
I started playing the sax in 1966 on a brand new Bundy Alto in Guntersville, AL. After High School I auditioned for and was awarded a music scholarship and I majored in music education while holding down the lead alto chair in the college jazz band. I also served as the student director of the 12 o'clock lab band where I also performed on tenor and flute from time to time. My Dad purchased for me a Yamaha YAS 61 when I got my scholarship. In it's day the YAS 61 was taking the MArk VI sales by storm. I had my choice of the Selmer or the Yamaha and chose the Yamaha on playability alone. I still have the YAS61 in addition to my new Reference 54 Alto, YTS62 Tenor, LA Sax Soprano and Gemeinhardt Flute. I enjoy reading this forum and I look forward to being able to share some of life's experiences with some of the younger players out there and at the same time learn some new perspectives from the up and coming young lions!
Bird lives!
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