Saxophone Forum

by Bariboy
(18 posts)
16 years ago

Soprano mute?

hello everyone, my professor asked me a question and i thought i would run it through you guys. he is playing soprano sax for a chamber piece. it is a YAS-475, selmer c*. the tells me that it is too whinny for the piece that we are playing. he suggested that he would make a soprano mute, like an alto one but for soprano. so my questions are : 1. with what materials and how would he want to go about making it? 2. is there any way to make it less whinny without changing the set-up, he doesn't want to change them. thanks for you help!!

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  1. by chalazon
    (547 posts)

    16 years ago

    Re: Soprano mute?

    change the set up...a stiffer reed may help..I don't care much for the Selmer C* understatement...try ..oh hell ...anything else..

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