Saxophone Forum

by Saxdragon
(22 posts)
16 years ago

I mean...can neck straps GET any more boring?

Why isn't anyone making neck straps that are as sexy and cool as guitar straps? Even the ones made by Levy's - and they make some of the best-looking guitar straps in the biz - look like some kind of old fart's orthopedic brace that should be kept UNDER your clothes and out of view. I know THIS old fart still wants to look sexy. The straps holding my colostomy bag on are cooler than a friggin' NEOTECH!!

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  1. by SuperSax875
    (55 posts)

    16 years ago

    Re: I mean...can neck straps GET any more boring?

    There out there don't worry. My old sax teacher had a really cool looking neckstrap with the black and white yin yang symbols on it. I'm not sure where he got it but there out there.

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    1. by chalazon
      (547 posts)

      16 years ago

      Re: I mean...can neck straps GET any more boring?

      be creative...make one for yourself..

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      1. by kelsey
        (930 posts)

        16 years ago

        Re: I mean...can neck straps GET any more boring?

        String beads on a clothes hanger............Kelsey
        Barry Kelsey

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    2. by tmunginshaw
      (1 post)

      12 years ago

      Re: I mean...can neck straps GET any more boring?

      The TMUN SaxyScarfStrap is the answer to your prayers... checkout this review  or visit the website   This sax neckstrap is sexy cool and all that you desire to complement your saxophone....

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