Saxophone Forum

by btrfly0202
(1 post)
16 years ago

Help i am clueless!!!

I was out bumming around today and popped into a little hole in the wall pawn shop. On a shelf tucked away in the corner i found an old sax I know nothing about them but when the guy told me he would sell it to me for $50 i bought it. It reads Made by C.G. Conn LTD. on the back pat. Dec 8 1914 119954 C 55348 L From everything i have found it is around 1919 or 1920 I am clueless!!!!!!! It has pearl keys silver with a gold "bell" on the inside. All the pictures i have looked at don't have the same engraving. The engraving on it looks almost unfinished. Can someone tell me anything out the sax i have.

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