This might be a tuffy
hey guys, ive been workin hard the past few weeks on my tone, and technique and whatnot, i just dont feel like im getting anywhere. my yani, has given me this bright ass sharp sounding tone, and i know, that if i just mess around with my embocher a lil bit the tone will be absolutely round and beautiful..HOW!?? haha, I mean, i know the basics, but still, any ideas?? tone excersises that will help it develop quicker? also, im workin on "swinging", up untill like, 4 oclock today, i had no idea how to swing, not that i sorta found out how, i need to expound upon that theory. i kno that swinging is all about feel, and to follow what the leader is doing, but i still need to know how swingin comes from you, into your sax, and out of hte bell. 1st i looked at the music and it was a 40 jazz feel, meening i thought of it like... dop, doobee dop, dooowaaa! and stuff, then i picked up my horn, and as i was playing, i was running that through in my mind, and it magically came out of my horn.. any thoughts? ideas??
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