Saxophone Forum

by anthonypaul
(3 posts)
20 years ago

larry teal's art of saxophone playing

Is this book up to date. Its about 40 years old. Is the breathing info. right on or has there been new developments? By the way Im new here. I have studied jazz mainly, but just got into serious classical study. Im enjoying it I just need to know as far as texts what are the definitive classical saxophone method books.

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  1. by tenor562
    (297 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: larry teal's art of saxophone playing

    it's kinda outdated, like when he notes good sax brands and mouthpiece types and stuff like that. but otherwise, it is a super book. Read the technique page, it's really good. it also has good altissimo fingerings. Good Luck!

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    1. by bronzemonkey992
      (22 posts)

      20 years ago

      Re: larry teal's art of saxophone playing

      The best part about Teal's book is the section on how to work on your reeds. Every sax player should know how to tweek their reeds, because we all know how consistent and good the cane is these days! NOT!

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      1. by Bibimbop
        (53 posts)

        20 years ago

        Re: larry teal's art of saxophone playing

        The Art of Saxophone Playing is like the Bible for saxophonists. The information isn't neccessarily aimed towards classical playing... just good saxophone pedagogy. Another book you might look at is "Saxophone Masterclasses" by Michael Hester. Goes over alot of the same material, but in a little different way.

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        1. by sax_maniac
          (984 posts)

          20 years ago

          Re: larry teal's art of saxophone playing

          Larry Teal's book is a must for any beginner or expert (or anyone in between - like me) who hasn't read it. It doesn't replace private instruction, but the advice and instruction in the book is worth hundreds and hundreds of dollars of private instruction. A beginning player (young adult or older) can probably get themselves starting playing with this book.

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