Saxophone Forum

by thesaxman82Z
(3 posts)
15 years ago

finding my sound

Hi, I'm a 14 year old Tenor Saxophonist I've been playing for some 4 or 5 years now and I'm searchingfor my sound. I recently got a Yamaha YTS82Z and I'm loving it, I'm noticing I'm getting a more jazzy tone, I'm using a 3 Hemke Reed right now and I'm working towards a 4. What should I get next to emphasize my Jazzy side? Should I work on my skills or is it hardware?

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  1. by jdcsax
    (14 posts)

    15 years ago

    Re: finding my sound

    There are a number of different things one can do to emphasize/enhance a jazz sound. If you're looking for a specific "jazz" sound, I would recommend listening to jazz tenor players. Not just modern players(i.e. Brecker, Redman, Alexander, Potter to name a few), but the pioneers(i.e. Coltrane, Gordon, Young, Getz, Mobly.) Each one of these players has their own unique sound. Some are more edgy than others. And a lot of the players sound evolved over their career. Their sound is slightly different from recording to recording depending on when it was recorded, but their is still an essence to their sound that is unmistakable. I would recommend finding some players sound you really like and try emulating them. You can do this by transcribing them. This will help guide you to your own "sound." This may involve a number of things including getting a new mouthpiece. That is one of the pieces of hardware that can drastically change the sound. Good luck! -JD

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    1. by cuber
      (653 posts)

      15 years ago

      Re: finding my sound

      not to be a gloomy gus, but i fail to see how transcribing anything will make you sound any different

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  2. by newreedsyndrome
    (343 posts)

    15 years ago

    Re: finding my sound

    working your way to a 4? dont do that. a harder reed does not equal a better sound. if you are comfortable playing a 3, stick with a 3 and dont add too many variables. experiment with different embosures and vocal positions

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    1. by kelsey
      (930 posts)

      15 years ago

      Re: finding my sound

      Get a new mouthpiece and play with a softer reed. Playing sax isn't weight lifting or a competitive sport!!!!!
      Barry Kelsey

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      1. by chalazon
        (547 posts)

        15 years ago

        Re: finding my sound

        Kelsey speaks the truth..a harder reed is not more Sonny Rollins put it, "why bust your chops?" I use 2.5's and get a pretty decent sound for an old's about your sound, and what works for you.

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