Saxophone Forum

by jakob1
(4 posts)
15 years ago

sxophone repair

I have a selmer mark 6 alto saxophone and i need to fix it. it fell on the ground and now i can't play the lower notes. is there any international repair that o can send my saxophone? cause i don't wanna give it to some unproffessional dude that I can't trust. thank you....

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  1. by kneejerk52
    (397 posts)

    15 years ago

    Re: sxophone repair

    find a GOOD local, local, local, dude you Can trust. no way i send a 6 anywhere unless you have knowledge of them from past experience or reference from others you know. it doesnt sound like more than a adustment, unless yu know something is broken, a key, rod or maybe a spring popped loose. i can't wait to hear the response from the regular crowd.

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    1. by cuber
      (653 posts)

      15 years ago

      Re: sxophone repair

      paul maslin does excellent work, and ships things well. though if you have someone youve had prior experience with, id suggest them

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      1. by chalazon
        (547 posts)

        15 years ago

        Re: sxophone repair

        find a professional dude that you can trust..ask some local player/teachers who they use. Go to some local music stores, talk to the techs, see what you think. I work in Boise, Idaho, and I know I could fix your six..if I can, then I'm quite sure there is a competent tech in your area who could..just do some research, and make a friend..HI Cube..good to know you're still happinin'.

        Reply To Post

        1. by jakob1
          (4 posts)

          15 years ago

          Re: sxophone repair

          thank you for the respond first, I would like to tell you that i'm living in Israel and the truth is that i'm a student and i don't have money to fix it. I went to one place and they wanted 800$, just for the repair. so I came with the idea that maybe it would be cheaper to send it somewhere but it apears right now that i will have to go back to this dude next to me. anyway it is cool to have a place that I can have information about saxophone....

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        2. by cuber
          (653 posts)

          15 years ago

          Re: sxophone repair

          shipping to the US would get very expensive. probably about as much as the repair. but $800? someones making a pretty penny on that....

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        3. by jakob1
          (4 posts)

          15 years ago

          Re: sxophone repair

          yes i know. that why i wish i could fix it by myself

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        4. by cuber
          (653 posts)

          15 years ago

          Re: sxophone repair

          do you have an idea whats wrong?

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        5. by jakob1
          (4 posts)

          15 years ago

          Re: sxophone repair

          yes i can see where is the demage but i don't have to tools to fix it by myself

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