Saxophone Forum

by JKChang
(1 post)
15 years ago

Chromatic Transposition of II-V-I Bebop Lines and other jazz improvisation exercises

Dear all, I am happy to share some of my jazz improvisation exercises with you all. Files, located in the "Downloads" of, consist of PDF score, Band-in-a-box accompaniment files, and some brief analytical introductions. Currently, approximately 11 projects are available, including: Chromatic Transposition of II-V-I Bebop Lines; Chromatic Transposition of II-V-I Coltrane Lines; 100 Major II-V-I Bebop Lines Vol. I; 100 Major II-V-I Bebop Lines Vol. II; 50 Minor II-V-I Bebop Lines; II-V-I Jazz Lines in Fourths Volume I; II-V-I Jazz Lines in Fourths Volume II; Intellectual Sight-Reading Series Vol. 1 Accidental Signs; Advanced Sight-Reading Etudes for Saxophones Vol. I; Advanced Sight-Reading Etudes for Saxophones Vol. II; and the newly uploaded project "100 Major II-V-I Bebop Lines SK Edition" Additionally, please submit your ideas and suggestions in the "comment" section of "Downloads" page if you have specific requests for new jazz materials. Please leave suggestions for existing projects in their corresponding pages. Thank you. As always, I hope these materials will be useful to some of you:-) Regards, J.K.

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