Saxophone Forum

by zeekman116
(27 posts)
15 years ago


So I am looking for a mouthpiece with some edge. I like hard rubber, but most of them seem like they have that traditional jazz sound. Is there a piece out there that gives a modern sound but still offers good control like a metal piece?

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  1. by jonah henry
    (2 posts)

    15 years ago

    Re: Mouthpiece

    Selmar C-Star. It a nicew bright sound. It is very classical. It is easy to control and reaches very loud sound and very quiet. It is also pretty expensive so i would try it out first. That is my best recommendation. Good luck!

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    1. by cuber
      (653 posts)

      15 years ago

      Re: Mouthpiece

      A selmer soloist might not be bad, though it has a darker sound. Ive heard good things about JodyJazz mouthpieces, but still have to try one. If you can find an old Meyer piece, theyre great. The otto links arent bad; A rousseau JDX might be worth trying. Nix the C-star.

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      1. by jonah henry
        (2 posts)

        15 years ago

        Re: Mouthpiece

        Meyer is very nice. So is otto link. Yanagisawa is also very nice. I have a yani and an otto link. i prefer yani. They are both extremely hard to find in classical. They are very jazzy. Yahama, selmer, and meyer would be your best choices.

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    2. by kelsey
      (930 posts)

      15 years ago

      Re: Mouthpiece

      zeekman 116, you never said what the mouthpiece will be used for or if it's a for tenor or alto?? If you plan to use this mouthpiece for Jazz, which I assume you might since you posted your question under Jazz saxophone, and it's for alto, if I were you I would check out one of the various Jody Jazz hard rubber mouthpieces. For tenor I would look at the Jody metal mouthpieces . I play on a very old Meyers and if I had to buy it today it would be well over a thousand dollars. The newer Meyers suck!!...Kelsey
      Barry Kelsey

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      1. by jazzcat522
        (21 posts)

        15 years ago

        Re: Mouthpiece

        yeah the new meyers suck!! i bought two of them. One for alto and another for tenor. that said you are looking for a rubber mpc with edge i say try the jody jazz HR* i have one for my alto size 7 and i like it alot they are brighter mpc's then your "traditional jazz sound" and they are very free blowing meaning that the mpc does not resist you as you are pushing the air through it makes playing the sax a bit easier i should say. also what tip opening have you played on the mpc hr* 7 im refereing to has a .83 tip opening. The bigger tip opening helps to brighten your sound. hope this helps jazz cat

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