Saxophone Forum

by zeekman116
(27 posts)
15 years ago

Vandoren mouthpiece

I am looking at a vandoren v16 metal mouthpiece for tenor. I am coming off a Jody jazz HR and I was looking for a mouthpiece that had more edge, was louder, and was more free blowing. Is this mouthpiece worth a look? Thanks

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  1. by edoney
    (20 posts)

    15 years ago

    Re: Vandoren mouthpiece

    I can't say anything in relation to the Jody Jazz HR but I am a fan of the V16's. I have a T77 metal and a T10 hard rubber. The T77 is very free blowing. I had previously played a Studio Guardala. The T77 is not as loud or bright as the Guardala but it has enough of both for my tastes particularly in a jazz setting. I've used the T77 in R&B bands and it seems fine. Definitely worth play testing.

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    1. by zeekman116
      (27 posts)

      15 years ago

      Re: Vandoren mouthpiece

      What about the ebonite v16s? How do they compare?

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