Saxophone Forum

by Caelestis
(5 posts)
14 years ago

Alto Sax for High School Student

I'm looking for a saxophone to play in my band. I've been playing for 5 years on school saxes and I'm looking at buying my own. I am currently using a Yamaha YAS-62. I'm looking at King Empires. Is that a good kind if not could you recommend something else. (Under $700)

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  1. by scarter6
    (9 posts)

    14 years ago

    Re: Alto Sax for High School Student

    Yikes! Stick to the YYS... Yamaha, Yanagisawa, and Selmer. But, a lot of what you buy depends on how long you plan on playing. I've been playing for 14years and have made a career out of it. If you only plan on doing it for a couple of more years, I recommend a Selmer SAS280. It's slightly out of your price range, but if you buy a King, you will kick your self. Also, look at used horns, but make sure you're able to play them first, and bring more than one reed and mouthpiece when you try it out. Not all saxophones sound good with a Selmer C*80.

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