Saxophone Forum

by csax64
(1 post)
13 years ago

Good Marching Horn?

I've played sax for now 7 years and I've been marching with a badly-worn Bundy alto from around 70's I think. I recently got section leader ... and I need a better sound. The thing just sounds... horrendous. Anyway, I have a YAS-82Z for concert band, so I can definitely tell a difference. But I don't want to march with the custom. So are there any recommendations for an intermediate alto that can make a good sound on the field, but not cost too much? I've heard Vito, Jupiter, Selmer thrown around.

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  1. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    13 years ago

    Re: Good Marching Horn?

    If I were you I would march with my YAS 82Z...It's not made of sugar.....Just be careful...Now on the other hand, if you want to play saxophone all your life, another sax might be a good idea.....But if you are so into music that you plan playing it for the rest of my life, why are you in marching band??
    Barry Kelsey

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  2. by chadorlando
    (1 post)

    12 years ago

    Re: Good Marching Horn?

    if you are looking for a good <a href="">music store</a>, george's music has the best deals online that i've found. it sounds like this is the case. you need a new one. I believe they have good used as well which still may benefit you.

    go to

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    1. by saxgourmet
      (127 posts)

      12 years ago

      Re: Good Marching Horn?

      Our company manufactures a marching band specific alto, and insofar as I know we are the ONLY saxophonE manufacturer to do so. It's our Bon Fils model, sells for $ can see details at and we have quite a few videos showing this specific horn on our YouTube site, saxgourmetproducts. Let me know your questions!

      New Orleans

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      1. by kelsey
        (930 posts)

        11 years ago

        Re: Good Marching Horn?

        Steve, how does a Alto made for marching differ from just the regular Alto saxophone?

        Barry Kelsey

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        1. by kelsey
          (930 posts)

          10 years ago

          Re: Good Marching Horn?


          Barry Kelsey

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      2. by keithsy
        (4 posts)

        11 years ago

        Re: Good Marching Horn?

        Rebuild the Bundy, unless you really want to trade up.

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      3. by FlyTWA
        (6 posts)

        10 years ago

        Re: Good Marching Horn?

        It's marching band unless you have solos all the time or very small band don't waste your money. Do craigslist but do not buy with playing. Brands you listed all have potential of producing a great sound and bad lemons. Use your ear then how it feels. Stay away from Jupiter horns made in the 90s try for 2006 and newer. Also checkout new mouthpieces for the old horn might bring the sound your looking for. Watch out for light thin instruments special if you play extreme temps.

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