Saxophone Forum

by NAB
(1 post)
13 years ago

Problems with Conn Alto 1924

I am looking for some advise on a 1924 Conn alto saxophone that I just purchased for my son to play for marching band as he did not want to take his Yamaha custom Z out on the field. It arrived this weekend but there is one key which seems nonfunctional and my son is having trouble playing the low C and D. Should I try to get it repaired/adjusted? Would a different mouthpiece help out? Should I just try to sell it and get another saxophone for marching band? Thanks for any help!

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  1. by saxcat69
    (6 posts)

    13 years ago

    Re: Problems with Conn Alto 1924

    hi a new mouth piece wont fix it vintage horn like that will need to be repaired possible post or spring adjustment hope this helps

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  2. by DerPhantom1
    (1 post)

    13 years ago

    Re: Problems with Conn Alto 1924

    The non-functional you speak of actually has a function and is probably contributing to the trouble you are having.  On the upper part of the horn, there are five keys controlled by the left hand, instead of the usual four.  The bottommost key actually acts like the key operated by the thumb and changes the octave, so if he uses the top four keys, it should play fine.

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