Saxophone Forum

by Ziggyiggy
(6 posts)
13 years ago

Overtones on student alto?

random question from a sax player....I have a yamaha student alto, will this effect my abilities to do overtones? i can only go an octave and a 5th with low Bb and low C# fingerings (and in between)

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  1. by cuber
    (653 posts)

    13 years ago

    Re: Overtones on student alto?

    It shouldn't, there are plenty of people who can go into extreme altissimo ranges on a student sax.  I'd be more concerned about whether working on altissimo is really worth my time, if I were you.  Sure it's good to know, but theres a world of things to learn in the natural range which might be more benefical to your playing.

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  2. by Saxquest
    (420 posts)

    13 years ago

    Re: Overtones on student alto?

    You absolutely can do overtones on a student model saxophone. In fact, they generally speak fairly well on a Yamaha 23 alto.

    Blowing overtones is not only a great exercise for developing your altisimo register, but its great for developing a good tone and for learning control of the instrument. Almost nothing teaches you proper embouchure, support, and airstream control like blowing overtones. I recommend overtone exercises for anyone who's mature enough to do practice it correctly. Also, check out Dave Liebman's book, "Developing a Personal Saxophone Sound".



         Mark Overton

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  3. by krestonsmith
    (12 posts)

    13 years ago

    Re: Overtones on student alto?

    Yes  .. . . .you can can on a Yamaha 23.

    Here are a few tricks that may help you:

    1. Start by playing the first overtone octave on Bb and hold that pitch for a whole note. Then play a chromatic scale one note at a time on the overtone in that partial until you lose the sound. Focus your attention on the notes around the probelm until you can get throught them all. More than likely you will lose it around E, but it will come with practice.
    2. Follow this up with the second Partial and repeat.
    3. After doing this, play a Bb Flat Scale on the first partial with following fingerings. Low Bb, Low C, Low D, Low Eb and then go down to the low Bb again to play the F, Low C, Low D, and then the Low Bb again. Inother words you only play the first four fingerings and then play the remiaing notes of the scale as overtones.

    Hope this helps. Dave Liebman is amazing. I would also look into the Top Tones book by Rascher.

    Good Times and Happy Playing .  . . ..


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    1. by Kattamaki
      (15 posts)

      13 years ago

      Re: Overtones on student alto?

      Ever heard of a book called The Top Tones? It gives you a step by step exercise also for the mental/ear training part of playing not only overtones but especially the fingered high register (Which is not the same as overblowing) Do start with overblowing however. How far have you gotten?Try this. Play a c scale starting on middle c one octave up, then sing the fourth tone(Don't play it!!) finger low Bb, (no octave key!!) and then play the tone you just sang. Did it work? Let me know.

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      1. by Saxquest
        (420 posts)

        13 years ago

        Re: Overtones on student alto?

         Original Quote:
        "Ever heard of a book called The Top Tones?

        Yes, absolutely! Carina is 100% correct. Top Tone for the Saxophone by Sigurd M. Rascher is a must for any developing saxophone player. Its the book that most of us who are professionals today grew up on. Do everything in that book with due diligence  and also experiment with your own ideas that stem from the book. Its a great resource!!!



             Mark Overton


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