Saxophone Forum

by CrazySaxophone
(4 posts)
13 years ago

Hello every one in

 hello evry one i am now become a member if the websit. i`am just 16 years old
(i think i`am the youngest on this fourm :P )  and i love every moment i play with the sax.
i play on the sax all most 1 year and i pretty good on it my teacher said i have a natural talent and i started not long ago to play on the clarinet its harder but sill fun  to play.

i want to ask you something my friends want to try to blow and try too and my teacher said not to do this... so i ask it is fine that i will give them to try? 


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  1. by Kattamaki
    (15 posts)

    13 years ago

    Re: Hello every one in

    Hi there,

    Would you like to know if your friends can try out your instruments? First of all, if they belong to you, you can decide that yourself. Just make sure you wash the mouthpieces and the reeds carefully with luke warm water, no soap after each player.

    If the instruments do not belong to you, you should not let them try. Why? Besause if they break something you are in trouble!! Is there insurance on those instruments? If not, you may have very expensive repairs!! It was a good idea to ask here. Have lots of fun.


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