Orpheo Sax
Newbie, but able to play several Christmas carols and some old timey stuff on my new Orpheo Alto saxophone. Got it back in Dec 8 of this year. Never really have ever tried to play a saxophone before (I'm 59, but know the accordion). I started playing a clarinet after my gums healed from extraction and then new dentures. Then, a friend of mine, same guy that loaned me a clarinet, gave me a saxophone to try. I couldn't make up my mind on the alto or the tenor, and choose the Orpheo Intermediate Alto sax, Model: 901-AL-306FO.
Friend of mine near Niles MI that worked for Conn-Selmer, Scott Kurtzweil, played it and thought it sounded very nice for the money. Now I am considering a Tenor of the same name, or perhaps the Opus USA brand. Probably made at the same factory in China? *S*
Anyone have any idea on the origins of the Orpheo as well as the Opus USA, or the Anaxa for that matter? I believe that China (Aisia) has been improving on their saxophones that they make. I cannot think that thousands and thousands of saxophones made in this last year and sold were all junk or they would soon be out of business, price point or not.
I've spent all my money on women and Saxophones... the rest I just wasted.
I was born with nothing and have managed to keep most of it.
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