Saxophone Forum

by trolleyman
(1 post)
12 years ago

New Case For 1932 Conn Tenor - Is This A Large Bell Horn?

I have a 1932 Conn tenor sax with the split bell keys.  I need to replace my old hard case and am looking at a Protec Contoured Tenor Sax Pro Pac case and I see there is a large bell model case for "Vintage" horns as well as a regular model.  I have been looking to try and find an answer as to what this means in order to buy the correct model. 

Prices are within a few dollars of each other.  And the definition of "Vintage" is not exactly descriptive. 

I take the horn to band rehearsal once a week in my own car.  It does not go on airplanes or get shipped.  This case looks good to me as the extra pockets can carry reeds, cleaning cloths, grease, etc.

Which one should I buy OR should I be looking at something else?          

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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    12 years ago

    Re: New Case For 1932 Conn Tenor - Is This A Large Bell Horn?

    You definitely want a case that accommodates a big bell horn and a right side bell key. The Protec cases are very serviceable for light to medium duty but, as you suspect, they are not shipping cases.

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